Wicked Wire POW Patriotic Vets Flag Tailgate Wrap

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  • Regular price $59.99

This Tailgate wrap should measure slightly larger than your tailgate so you can trim to fit after it is installed.

Size is 25"x66" - Nothing will be cut out on the wrap. You will need to trim for handles or any other obstructions. Please measure your application area to assure proper fit before ordering.

Our universally sized Tailgate Wrap Graphics will look great on your truck! All Tailgate Wraps are digitally printed on professional grade wrap film. This high performance wrap film has a grey removable, repositionable adhesive technology and has no visible air channels. These air channels help to eliminate bubbles during installation. Our Graphics are digitally printed at 1080dpi for the highest resolution possible, brightest colors and an Ultra HD look. We also print with eco-solvent inks; this is the best ink on the market! These professional grade wraps will be laminated with a clear vinyl. This laminating process provides extra protection as well as excellent UV and abrasion resistance as well as extended outdoor use. This means our graphics will stand up to the extremes of the outdoor environment, last longer and look better! These graphics are easy to apply and easy to remove, just peel of the backing, apply and trim!

This tailgate wrap should measure larger than your area to cover. Once the wrap is applied you will trim it back to get an exact fit. Orders are shipped by Priority Mail within 24 hours so you get your wrap QUICK!

Physical Characteristics
3.2 mil polymeric calendered film
Adhesive: Pressure-activated with air release channels.
Application Characteristics
Surface type: Flat, simple curves
Substrate type: Most Plastics, ABS Resins, Chrome, Glass, Paint, Metal, Aluminum
Application method: Dry

All of my decals are.....
Made in the USA
Printed on the Highest Resolution Possible
Printed with Eco-Sol Ink
Printed on High Quality Vinyl


Need a custom size? Please contact us if a different size is needed.

We do not cover, warranty or replace any of our products due to improper installation or care. If you have an issue with anything you buy from us when you receive it please contact us immediately otherwise any issues that may arise after or during application will be the responsibility of the person doing the work. Please seek professional help if you are not comfortable with installing.

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